Tuesday, July 24, 2007

28-29. Secrets of a Civil War Submarine Solving the Mysteries of teh H. L. Hunley by Sally Walker

Nonfiction book annotation
By: Angela Wilcox

112 pages

Walker, S. (2005). Secrets of a Civil War submarine: Solving the mysteries of the H. L. Hunley. Minneapolis: Carolrhoda Books Incorporated.

Author Creditability: In this book Walker states “For me, doing research is like opening a door into a fascinating new world.” This was exactly the approach she took when researching the Hunley to write this book. She talked to many scientist and people involved with the preservation of the remains of the Hunley. She went to South Carolina Historical Society in Charleston, the Warren Lasch Conservation Center, and the Smithsonian Institution to look at the artifacts as well as interviewing the survivors’ family members.

Summary: This book is a chronological book based on the Civil War submarine, H. L. Hunley. It takes the reader through the submarine’s life span. It starts out telling when, why, and how it was made, the practice runs done with the submarine, and then it’s unfortunate only mission. It then takes the reader to today where the archeologists try to locate and exhume the Hunley. Walker then goes into the surprising findings that have been revealed since the Hunley has been excavated.
Most Important Access Features: This book contains a table of contents, prologue, chapter titles (which give you some idea what the chapter is about), photographs, diagrams with labels, maps, a note from the author, source notes, a bibliography, website references, photo acknowledgments, and a glossary.

Description of Illustrations: The illustrations, maps, and photographs came from different sources. They are all listed either on the verso or in the photo acknowledgments at the back of the book.

Grade Level & Uses: 6-12 grade; This book could be used to teach about the Civil War and about archeologists and preserving artifacts found from our history.
Standards: Culture; Time, Continuity, and Change; People, Places, and Environments; Individual Development an Identity; Science, Technology, and Society.
Related Texts & How Related: These books could be used along with Secrets of a Civil War Submarine: Solving the Mysteries of the H. L. Hunley to discuss the Civil War.

If You Lived at the Time of the Civil War by Kay Moore and Anni Matsick
The Amercian Nation: Civil War to the Present by James West Davidson and Michael B. Stoff
When Will This Cruel War Be Over?: The Civil War Diary of Emma Simpson by Barry Denenberg

The Robert F. Sibert Honor Book
Notable Association for Library Service to Children American Library Association
Personal Response to Book: This was a true amazing story. It amazed me what all scientists can find out about the findings of artifacts that they find. I truly liked this book even though it is for older students and my expertise is with low elementary students.

1 comment:

Allison Fielder said...

I have to read this one. It looks like it is so interesting and educational. I think kids would really enjoy it too.